Thursday, December 04, 2008

Oh, Hello. I Didn't See You There.

It's been so quiet in here, I thought I was all alone. I hope I didn't step on your toes.

So... have I mentioned that our studio sale last weekend was tremendously successful? No?! Hmph. How could I have made such a gross oversight.

Well, let me rectify that now. Not only did we sell a bunch of pre-made inventory, but we also got a bunch of special orders for Christmas (perhaps we should start our sale a couple weeks early next year).

Among the special orders was a request for 2 matching baby sweaters for a new grandma of 2 boys (one from her daughter, one from her son, born a month apart). For this proud grandma, I’m making two of these:
Striped Baby Sweater

(Sorry for the quality—I took the picture on my cell phone. And no, it won't be short sleeved, it's just not done yet.)

And more stuff, but mostly for blog readers, so I’m not going to ruin anyone’s Christmas by posting more pictures.

We’ve also received a number of special orders for ornaments. They are So Cute! I don’t have any pictures of them yet, but I’ll try to get some up in the next few days.

As you no doubt recall from my last post, the sale is not over yet. Oh no—we’re open THIS weekend, too!

From 10:00-3:00 on Saturday and Sunday, everything that’s left in our inventory will be on sale: hats, crowns, Kissy Monsters, kids' clothes; and the Christmas ornaments bragged about above.

Please join us if you can—if you’re already done with your holiday shopping, just stop in to say hi.

Email me for the address and directions:

I hope to see you this weekend!