Raining and Pouring
Firstly, the CT scan came out totally clean. No, it wasn't EMPTY--thankyouverymuch--it was just CLEAN!
Secondly, I started my new job on Monday. Two days in I can say I think I like it. The work is good and the level of responsibility is fabulous, but I hate the "new job" weirdness of not knowing people and being lonely at lunchtime. I especially miss my friends at the City.
Thirdly, I just interviewed for another, different job. When it rains, it pours. Though at this point, I have to say, I'm glad I already have a job because I've been sick with a horrible sort throat and cold since Sunday and I think I blew the interview. On the other hand, every time I've interviewed for a job when I already have one, no matter how poorly I think I did, I usually get offered the new one. So... well... whatever. They're not going to make a decision for another month and by then I'll probably not want to leave this new place anyway, and blah, blah, blah. How many run-on sentences do you think I can fit into one post?
Fourthly (is there a fourthly? It looks odd), I just finished packing my Little Bird's suitcase and backpack--she's heading down to her dad's house for about 5 days to have an extra-long weekend with him. They were originally looking at going to Disneyland, but there were some travel complications that just sounded like a huge pain in the ass, so now they're going to do stay-cation types of things--stuff within an hour or so drive from home--one of those things includes a 49er game with her dad and grandpa on Sunday. She is OVER THE MOON excited about that! I'm sure she's going to have a great time, because in addition to the Niner game, both of her cousins are taking Thursday and Friday off school as well so they can play with her. Yay for Kids at Play!
Finally (yes, I know that one's real), since I'm childless tonight, my mom and I are going to the Westside Wednesday knitting group and I CAN'T WAIT to see some of my favorite friends there and to introduce them to my mom after all this time! On that note, I'm heading out now... gotta get my kid to the airport.
Secondly, I started my new job on Monday. Two days in I can say I think I like it. The work is good and the level of responsibility is fabulous, but I hate the "new job" weirdness of not knowing people and being lonely at lunchtime. I especially miss my friends at the City.
Thirdly, I just interviewed for another, different job. When it rains, it pours. Though at this point, I have to say, I'm glad I already have a job because I've been sick with a horrible sort throat and cold since Sunday and I think I blew the interview. On the other hand, every time I've interviewed for a job when I already have one, no matter how poorly I think I did, I usually get offered the new one. So... well... whatever. They're not going to make a decision for another month and by then I'll probably not want to leave this new place anyway, and blah, blah, blah. How many run-on sentences do you think I can fit into one post?
Fourthly (is there a fourthly? It looks odd), I just finished packing my Little Bird's suitcase and backpack--she's heading down to her dad's house for about 5 days to have an extra-long weekend with him. They were originally looking at going to Disneyland, but there were some travel complications that just sounded like a huge pain in the ass, so now they're going to do stay-cation types of things--stuff within an hour or so drive from home--one of those things includes a 49er game with her dad and grandpa on Sunday. She is OVER THE MOON excited about that! I'm sure she's going to have a great time, because in addition to the Niner game, both of her cousins are taking Thursday and Friday off school as well so they can play with her. Yay for Kids at Play!
Finally (yes, I know that one's real), since I'm childless tonight, my mom and I are going to the Westside Wednesday knitting group and I CAN'T WAIT to see some of my favorite friends there and to introduce them to my mom after all this time! On that note, I'm heading out now... gotta get my kid to the airport.
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